Friday, 15 August 2014

August 2014-Conquest of the Empire


Conquest of the Empire 
Eagle Games

July 2014-Raid on Richmond


Raid on Richmond

To the Subscribers of "The Richmond Examiner '

You may of heard rumors of the treacherous Raid of Federal Cavalry on The Confederate Capital!

Rest assured you will be given the full details of this Yankee Barbarism once our special maps return from the lithographers!

Who were the mysterious guides of the Union raiders?

Why did the militia take so long to assemble?

Did President Davis escape in women's clothing?

Why were reinforcements from the South of the city take so long to arrive?

What part did artillery play in the fight?

Why was General Winder captured?

Why did our soldiers on the east of the City fail to intervene?

How much valuable property in the form of slaves escaped?

The Answer to these and other questions will be answered in a special edition of" The Richmond Examiner"of the Raid On Richmond!

The Examiner March Third 1864 AD.

"We report. You Decide”. RAID ON RICHMOND! Slaves Stolen! POW's Freed! Vital Industry Destroyed! Confederate Confusion! Yankee Barbarism! Blood and Cannon Fire on Our Streets! More evidence of the Davis' Governments' incompetence!

Ass. Editor L. Mack Esq reporting, deputising for Editor Mr J Daniel, Esq who is ill."

A glooming peace this morning brings, The Sun for sorrow will not show his head.’

Well might the Bards words be applied to the unhappy city of Richmond!

In this special edition we give all our readers the facts as we know them. It must be admitted that these early reports may have to be revised, but we believe all the facts should be given to our readers. We pray their indulgence for any mistakes made in haste.

At 8 of the Clock Sunday Morning yesterday a reinforced Brigade of Federal Cavalry under Brig. J. Kilpatrick attacked Richmond, with a large force coming down the Brock Road from the North while a smaller force from the south under Col. Dahlgren liberated Yankee POW's from Belle Isle Prison.

Typically, our lack lustre government had made little preparation for such a crisis. The Federals numbered about 3500, with horse artillery, with troopers from Maine to Michigan, from the slums of New York to the Frontier of Wisconsin.

The Cabinet were actually meeting at the White House when the news broke, and they scrambled and dispersed for safety. There has been a rumour that Mr Davis escaped as he dressed in his wife’s' clothes! We confess we at the Examiner are not great partisans for Mr Davis, but we are partisans for truth!

The Truth is that Mrs Davis handed her husband her own bright coloured shawl to protect him from the rain as he left the White House as in the natural haste he could not find his. The White House slaves almost totally deserted their duties and fled, some to the Yankees! "Ah You Blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!”

It is estimated that 450 slaves deserted comfortable homes, indulgent Masters and light work for the perils of Freedom! Several slaves have taken valuables and cash, one body servant taking his masters best suits! Was there ever baser ingratitude under heaven!

The Federals were met by several men and women of both races to guide them to their targets. If we had a proper government such traitors would have been detected by now!

The Captives at Belle Isle were quickly freed, and they made for the Richmond and Petersburg RW bridge. Our forces from the south tried to intercept these miscreants but were hampered by the lack of soldiers. Federal forces under "Beast" Butler were making what proved to be a feint towards Richmond, and not all forces available could be sent to Richmond. Typical Yankee cunning!

Federal Cavalry flooded our streets, and most citizens kept to their homes. Clerks from the War Department armed themselves and defended their offices as best they could. The Militia were slow to organize many either at Church or just awaking on a wet Sunday morning.

Fierce fighting eventually developed around the Rail road depot at the corner of Marshall and Eight Street. Militia gathered there, and a long fight developed. The Federals, led by the Vandal Chieftain Kilpatrick himself could not break the resistance there and the gallant stand of the militia tied up Yankee forces that could have been used elsewhere.

Forces from the North and West came as quickly as possible, with Federal artillery attacking our cavalry on Jefferson and Canal Streets. After a hard fight our diminished forces had to retreat allowing the Unionists to join their forces and escape with the newly liberated prisoners and slaves!

Nor were the Yankees any respecters of property, private or public! The vital Tredegar Iron works have been totally gutted, with all the arms and steam machinery destroyed! Only via blockade runner from Europe can such machinery be replaced! The Richmond Iron and Steel works have met a similar fate! Why did not a vital installations have a larger guard? Also the Ordnance and Arsenal have been destroyed with many weapons being handed out to the freed POW's.

The Foundry on Cary Street was destroyed, but the Yankees proved too bold here. They were surrounded by Confederate infantry and cut off and out of ammunition they had to surrender. By now, three of the Clock in post meridian, Confederate reinforcements were finally bringing their strength to bear on the raiders.

Around the Capitol Building and at Fourteenth and Broad, artillery was used to blast away at the Federals. The Unionist finally retreated in the rain, taking with them vital documents from our Secret Services offices! This could lead to the arrests and death of many of our brave agents!

After our Militia were finally driven from the Depot and it was burnt by the furious Kilpatrick’s own order, angered by such defiance. Due to the rain and the gallant resistance of our forces the city itself is not much damaged. A Yankee force held the Richmond and Petersburg RW bridge to the end against our forces till they ran out of ammunition. They and other captured raiders are in Belle Isle, but as one of them wittily remarked ”There is plenty of room now!”

Also General Winder was pointed out by a Negro agent of the Federals at his home on Nineteenth Street and abducted at gunpoint. It is feared he will be tried for shortcomings in the Confederate POW department. This from the people who run Point Lookout, Camp Chase and other Bastilles were Confederates suffer from illness and cold and die in want in a Nation that boasts of its' riches! Is there any limit to Yankee hypocrisy?

By five of the Clock, under a heavy rainstorm the last raider escaped. 450 sick prisoners were left behind as well as about three hundred raiders. Another two hundred will be shortly filling dishonourable graves. Confederate casualties are hard to estimate, but at least four to five hundred are dead or seriously wounded. About 2500 prisoners were freed, and no doubt be soon swelling the Federal ranks. A half decent sensible government would not allow these many disasters to happen, but what are we to Fare under Mr Davis?

We will update our readers with any news to hand, and hopefully we will soon have better news to print. ”Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!” Also any printers, type setters and lithographers seeking good wages and liberal terms please apply to the "Examiner" office. All wages paid in gold or silver coin.

June 2014-Scotland the Brave Part Two


Scotland the Brave

(Part 2)

by Avalanche Press

"Documents in Scottish History”

Glasgow University Press 

Compiled and translated by Prof. L Mack. 2007.

Document XV" The Glasgow Letter”.

This letter was sent to Edward I by his Victorious Deputy Baron Henry De Percy after the taking of Glasgow in January 1298.

A well known "Rebel” Sir William Wallace was killed, his force destroyed, and his only major ally Lord John Murray returned to his highland home. The original has been lost, but a copy was found in the De Thomas Family papers in 1855.

It is Conjectured that as the slayer of Wallace, Sir Steven asked for a copy for himself as it was considered a legal base for any claim to a reward from the King. Sir Steven was able to found a dynasty, now the "Dukes of Northumbria."
To Edward, King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Aquitaine and Lord Paramount of Scotland.

From his Subject, Henry De Percy, Lord of Topcliffe, Commander of Southwest Scotland.

Your Highness,

I have the good news of the destruction of the Rebel forces against you Highness's rule in Scotland.

Even better news is the death of the major rebel leader, one Sir William Wallace, a Knight from the vicinity of Ayr.

This Wallace raised a force against his liege Lord, and tried to seduce others to his side. Most Scottish Lords stayed true to their oaths, but Robert Wishart, Archbishop of Glasgow, so forgot his priestly duties as to raise his hands against his rightful king.

Last year on the Holy Day of the Feast of The Assumption [August 15] near Lanark these unspeakable rebels defeated a Loyal Force under Lord Warrane, a true and trusted Servant of your Highness, as well as my own beloved kinsmen. The said Lord was killed and his head cut off and put on a stake and displayed over the main Gate of Glasgow. Not content with this, his body was thrown on a heap of other loyalists and left to rot.

Lord Douglas was unwise enough to join the Rebels. However the appearance of the large force I have the honour to command as well as the payment of Gold saw him remember his duty. Archbishop Wishart was leading a force against your Highness's Forces under Lord Percy trying to raise Rebellion against your just rule in the East Coast region of Scotland. This Unholy priest was defeated near Stirling and was captured. My Lord Percy, showing a true merciful disposition and a pious soul did not hang this traitor at once but sent him south to your Highness's Justice.

Several Scottish Lords sent various Contingents to show their Loyalty, and most useful they have been, if only in saving English lives. I retook and intended to winter in the town of Irvine. Moved by the Devils 'instigation Wallace and Murray were unwise enough to dare to attack my force on the first Sunday of Advent [30th November]. They were defeated and I followed up with another battle near St Johns’ Abbey a week later. Success breeds success and by the Grace of God the Rebels were routed and fled to Glasgow. In spite of the winter weather, we closely pressed this den of Rebels carefully surrounding it so none would escape. The Rebels fought desperately, not listening to the generous offers of mercy on behalf of your Highness we made known. For three days we fought intermittently, with heavy casualties among our Levies. Today, on the Feast of Saint Vitalis [January 11] we finally broke through. The rebels made a Stand in the Cathedral of Saint Mungo, their pagan natures even leading them to fight to the Death in the Holy House of God. Wallace was caught trying to flee the Cathedral Close by the retinue of Sir Steven De Thomas a Knight from Rothbury. Wallace had a two handed sword which he used to some effect. He was crying to the end "Liberty, Liberty." Sir Steven Slew him, taking good care to not mark his traitor face. The city has been given over to sack, and Wallace’s body has been tied to the Cross in the Market place for all to see. It seems that Lord Murray has escaped. However, Wallace was the Leader of this band of Rebels and it is hoped his death will bring an end to this unnatural and terrible rebellion.

I recommend Sir Steven De Thomas to your Highness's beneficence, as well as my Lord Percy.

I kiss your hands and remain your trusty well beloved servant.

Given under my hand and seal, in Glasgow Castle on the Feast of St Vitalis 1298 in the twenty fourth year of your Highness's reign."

The board is set

The moves are on

Focus on the job in hand

The forces are ready for the big move
Glasgow and the Wallace are under English pressure

Glasgow falls as does the Wallace

May 1814-Scotland the Brave


Scotland the Brave
by Avalanche Press

A Concise History of Scotland.

By L. Mack 

Durham University Press 2012.

Chapter V.

The War of Independence.

The Opening Stages.

It is difficult to get a fully agreed account of the early stages of the War of Independence. Dates, locations, personalities and motivations are all disagreed upon. There is general consensus on the broad outline, but the details are maddeningly blurred. It as if a historian was trying to write a history of the Falklands war using headlines from the Argentinean daily newspapers, and editorials from the "Sun”, as there is little attempt from either Scottish or English sources to be free from Bias. The agreed upon facts are these.

Sir William Wallace a member of the minor gentry near Lanark raised the Standard of rebellion against English rule and to restore King John Balliol to the throne of Scotland. Balliol was then prisoner of Edward I in the Tower.

Wallace was promised support by the Earl of Paisley, James Stewart and Archbishop Wishart of Glasgow, but these magnates inhibited by the English garrison at Glasgow under Clifford failed to support the rising. This was a constant feature of the War; Scottish Lords would support one side, then the other, or no side at all.

There were accusations of Scottish treachery, English bribes and clashing personalities. Wallace had some minor success with defeating isolated English garrisons and in July had a major boost from the forces of Lord Murray, who would subordinate himself to a social inferior, and would stay to the bitter end.

Together with the forces of the powerful Douglas clan they defeated a large English force near Tibbers. Cresingham the English Commander was killed and his head cut of, and sent to Lord Percy, a powerful Northumbria magnate, with a mocking message. This ensured a major offensive across the border along the east coast of Scotland, as well as an attack from English forces from Dumfries under Clifford, reclaiming Tibbers, Ayr Irvine and Glasgow before winter.

The Scottish position which had seemed so promising was now reversed. Percy retook Edinburgh, but was defeated by Lamerton near Stirling and retired to winter in Edinburgh. Clifford now undertook what would be considered a high risk move, a winter campaign that came close to Success. On St Andrews day [30th November] he made a surprise attack on Wallace’s' forces in the hills near Loch Maben.

Clifford attacked at night, relying on the fact the Scots would still be recovering from celebrations. But in the snow the English forces were hard to coordinate. The Scots were defeated, but Wallace escaped.

A similar attack on the Scots at Glen Roe Forest on Xmas Eve had the same results, Wallace’s force roughly handled by the English, but living to fight another day. However, one fourth of the English force died of disease and exposure and Clifford led his depleted forces back to Dumfries.

Edward Long Shanks was coming North in the New Year and it seems Clifford was trying to win the war before the arrival of his unforgiving King. Now the Bruce rallied to Wallace as did Stewart and Wishart. In the New Year Warren’s Garrison at Lanark was taken by a large force under Murray, and Warren was hung from the town Gallows “Like any other Cattle Thief” as a contemporary source says.

Percy had to retreat to Dunbar and town after town fell to the Scots. Wallace’s Force crossed the Border, and held Carlisle to Ransom. Clifford moved to Intercept this force after storming Bruce’s Castle at Loch Maben.

On May Day, the Battle of Dumfries was fought, lasting "From first dawn to Clean dark'. Clifford’s Force was beaten, but managed to retire to Dumfries Castle.

In June 1297 Edward crossed the border with a mighty host, and raised the siege of Dumfries, and pursued Wallace’s main force. Bruce and Lamerton both made their peace with Edward and departed to their estates. Douglas, Murray and Wallace confronted Edward while Wishart menaced Percy’s smaller Force in Edinburgh.

On August 15th Edward finally met Wallace’s' force at St Roberts Burn. Edward tried to engage Wallace man to man in combat, but failed to meet his foe. Wallace’s force was beaten, but managed to retreat as an organized force. There was no rout.

The Campaign was on going when an urgent summons in September came to Edward of a major rising in Wales. Edward was experienced enough to know he could not fight on both fronts, so he agreed to a truce till April 1299, with all English Garrisons to stay in place, but make no hostile moves as long as the Scots left them in peace. With Tibbers, Dumfries Ancrum, Selkirk, Roxburgh, Berwick and Dunbar in English Hands Edward knew he had more than a toe hold in Scotland. Also most of the Scots forces were tired of nearly eighteen months campaigning. Both sides would re-arm and regroup and have the harvest bought in. Both sides knew this was just the first round.

April 2014-Crusade and Revolution – The Spanish Civil War 1936-39


Crusade and Revolution – The Spanish Civil War 1936-39


by Compass Games

Statement from the UGT, FAI, CNT Defence Committee, 17/1/37 to the People of Madrid. 

Men and women of Madrid, Workers of Spain, and Proletarian lovers of Liberty around the world!

The hour of the greatest danger to the Second Republic and our liberty has come! The Fascist hyenas who wish to destroy Liberty and progress are twenty kms to the south and twenty kms to the North of our beloved Madrid! But they are being held by our Mixed Brigades of militia and Regulars who love freedom!

Who can forget the march of the XII International Brigade through our Madrid on their way to the Front, and the wild enthusiasm they inspired! They have already turned back the Carlist from the east, and the Chatos of our Gallant aviation have aided in the defeat of the Reqeutes in the North.

The Army of Africa who boasted that they would be in Madrid by Xmas are now saying they will be here by Easter. But which Easter, we ask? Already their General has admitted publicly that losses among the Moors and Regularares have been "heavy and irreplaceable”. Who can forget the Battle of Cordoba? Anarchist and Socialist Militia columns attacked a Brigade of Moors in a pincer movement, and routed them. Our forces were led by effective armoured trucks, home made but well made. Even the Falangist High Command admitted a defeat, but blamed ill luck and the dead Brigadier for carelessness.

What then of the repeated failed assaults on Jaen, the Verdun of the Republic? For two months the Rebels have attacked and for two months they have been repulsed by our militias! Is that ill luck, as well? These have not been the only Republican Victories!

In Gijonin in the North the Simancas Barracks held out for a month, until blasted out by the dinamiteros. Stern justice was visited upon the surviving traitors. Near Adulajar in the South the monastery of Santa Maria was seized by the Insurgents in the opening days of the Revolt. It held out for two months and surrendered on generous terms, with all Insurgent civilians sent across the lines and only the deluded few who refused to take on oath to the Republic who had been in arms against it were shot. The rest of the garrison were disarmed and sent to their homes.

The Republic can be generous, even to its' foes! The same generous terms were offered to the garrison in Alcazar in Toledo by the Luis Moscardo, to the Colonels’ son by phone. There has been a ridiculous story put about by our enemies about this exchange. Colonel Moscardo the commander of the fortress stated that his son said that if the Alcazar was not surrendered he would be shot. This is an obvious slander as Luis Moscardo was not shot. He fell out of the third floor window of the Toledo CHECA office by accident two weeks later while he was watching a an aerial dogfight. The Alcazar was mined by the same Asturian dinamiteros who took the Simancas Barracks, and stormed on the 18th October. It must be said the garrison fought like Spaniards, and it was only after bitter fighting that it fell. It was a first test for a properly trained Peoples Army brigade and they were victorious!

It must be made clear that the day of amateur militias is over, and to win we must become professional and disciplined soldiers! Also fortune favours the just! It can be revealed that operational orders for the Falange attack at Santa Maria de Flores were found on a dead Italian officer who was killed on a recon patrol. Reinforcements were rushed to the area, and the Blue Shirts were defeated with heavy loss. Another victory!

Of course, there have been defeats. Badajoz and Malaga have both fallen, with great slaughter of those who hold progressive opinions. Will this happen in Madrid? No Never! This is MADRID! There is no truth in the slander the Government have fled the city. They have withdrawn to Valencia so the government’s capacity to govern and wage war would be unimpaired, which would be difficult in a city besieged. This move is a long planned contingency plan, not a panicked flight, as our Enemies would style it! The XI international Brigade is now in Madrid! Trained soldiers, anti-fascists from thirty-seven countries are on the way to the Front, where their deeds will no doubt rival in daring the XII Brigade. Russian tanks are on their way, Russian aircraft already rule our skies, and our fortifications are strong!

Let us make Madrid the Graveyard of Fascism!

To resist is to win!


March 2014-Strike of the Eagle


Strike of the Eagle

The Ukraine 1920
by Academy Games 2011

Great art work
Block games are a little as you get older
A great map
Looks like the Poles have the upper hand

January 2014-The Sword of Rome


The Sword of Rome


GMT Games 2004

Excerpts from the writings of Lawrentuis Pompeus, called by some "Lawrentuis the Wise“

Some incidents of the early days have become proverbs, and I will recall of some of these incidents of the glory days of yore.

When the Volsci turned down a generous offer to join the Roman Republic the Consul Flaminius and his only son led the Romans against the Volsci. The tide of battle turned against Rome, and the younger Flaminius was killed.

The Consul seeing how the battle was in the balance raised his sword and called out "All those who fear defeat more than death follow!”

The king of the Volsci fled and the battle won, but the Consul died fighting. Seeing their King flee, and the Roman Consul dying rather than admit defeat the Volsci took counsel after the battle. ”What kind of Nation” they said' can inspire such Leaders?

Let us petition for peace and the honour of fellowship with such a Nation.”

The petition was granted by the Senate and People who saw the Volsci as an honourable and gallant foe. Thus some one who sees clearly what the best course of action in a difficult time is said to be "As wise as the Volsci in Counsel.”

The wife of the Consul the noble Thereseita of the House of Bexlyuim was noted not to be weeping at the Funeral pyres of her husband and son. She said "I am heartbroken, but I am prouder that my only Son and my Lord and Master died for the Glory of Rome and the good of its' People. Should I deface their memory with public Tears?” Thus a brave woman is said to be "as brave as Thereseita of Bexlyuim".

On the tomb of the father and son were carved the words ”Stranger, weep not at this tomb of a Noble Father and Brave Son. For there is naught here to weep or knock the Breast, nothing but that quiet us when we contemplate two lives so well lived, and two deaths so freely given for the Good of Rome”. Some times you may here of an expressive speech being said to be "As eloquent as the Flaminian Tombstone”.

During the siege of Neopolis the inhabitants appealed to Bindu the Wily of Tarantum for help. Bindu was the conqueror of Sicily and the scourge of Carthage. When most of the Roman force was recalled to fight the Gauls a small force was left of 2000 soldiers to keep up the blockade of Neopolis. When Bindu the Wily landed a force of 10,000 veteran men both horse and foot he predicted a victory over such a small Roman force. But the Romans by careful tactics and planning retreated with but few casualties. They managed to drive off the enemy horse who were pursuing them, slaying many and killing Dasilva, the Master of the Horse. "Alas!' cried Bindu the Wily when he saw the body of his comrade of a score of battles "I have learned to fear the Romans, even in retreat!”

Thus among the Greeks, even today, it can be heard when one Greek tells another of some enterprise or another that seems dangerous he will be asked "Do you not fear the retreating Romans?” meaning to be prudent.” Thus are the words of Lawrentuis Pompeus, called by some Lawrentuis the Wise.” Perhaps you can put these under the Maps of' Sword of Rome' breaking it up a bit. I hope it gives you a chuckle anyway.

October 2013-The Great War at Sea

October 2013

The Great War at Sea

by Avalanche Press

The German fleet

Engage the enemy

The narrow sea

Does not look like a great day

The Russians lost against the Germans but the Germans lost far more ships