Friday, 15 August 2014

January 2014-The Sword of Rome


The Sword of Rome


GMT Games 2004

Excerpts from the writings of Lawrentuis Pompeus, called by some "Lawrentuis the Wise“

Some incidents of the early days have become proverbs, and I will recall of some of these incidents of the glory days of yore.

When the Volsci turned down a generous offer to join the Roman Republic the Consul Flaminius and his only son led the Romans against the Volsci. The tide of battle turned against Rome, and the younger Flaminius was killed.

The Consul seeing how the battle was in the balance raised his sword and called out "All those who fear defeat more than death follow!”

The king of the Volsci fled and the battle won, but the Consul died fighting. Seeing their King flee, and the Roman Consul dying rather than admit defeat the Volsci took counsel after the battle. ”What kind of Nation” they said' can inspire such Leaders?

Let us petition for peace and the honour of fellowship with such a Nation.”

The petition was granted by the Senate and People who saw the Volsci as an honourable and gallant foe. Thus some one who sees clearly what the best course of action in a difficult time is said to be "As wise as the Volsci in Counsel.”

The wife of the Consul the noble Thereseita of the House of Bexlyuim was noted not to be weeping at the Funeral pyres of her husband and son. She said "I am heartbroken, but I am prouder that my only Son and my Lord and Master died for the Glory of Rome and the good of its' People. Should I deface their memory with public Tears?” Thus a brave woman is said to be "as brave as Thereseita of Bexlyuim".

On the tomb of the father and son were carved the words ”Stranger, weep not at this tomb of a Noble Father and Brave Son. For there is naught here to weep or knock the Breast, nothing but that quiet us when we contemplate two lives so well lived, and two deaths so freely given for the Good of Rome”. Some times you may here of an expressive speech being said to be "As eloquent as the Flaminian Tombstone”.

During the siege of Neopolis the inhabitants appealed to Bindu the Wily of Tarantum for help. Bindu was the conqueror of Sicily and the scourge of Carthage. When most of the Roman force was recalled to fight the Gauls a small force was left of 2000 soldiers to keep up the blockade of Neopolis. When Bindu the Wily landed a force of 10,000 veteran men both horse and foot he predicted a victory over such a small Roman force. But the Romans by careful tactics and planning retreated with but few casualties. They managed to drive off the enemy horse who were pursuing them, slaying many and killing Dasilva, the Master of the Horse. "Alas!' cried Bindu the Wily when he saw the body of his comrade of a score of battles "I have learned to fear the Romans, even in retreat!”

Thus among the Greeks, even today, it can be heard when one Greek tells another of some enterprise or another that seems dangerous he will be asked "Do you not fear the retreating Romans?” meaning to be prudent.” Thus are the words of Lawrentuis Pompeus, called by some Lawrentuis the Wise.” Perhaps you can put these under the Maps of' Sword of Rome' breaking it up a bit. I hope it gives you a chuckle anyway.

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