Friday, 15 August 2014

June 2014-Scotland the Brave Part Two


Scotland the Brave

(Part 2)

by Avalanche Press

"Documents in Scottish History”

Glasgow University Press 

Compiled and translated by Prof. L Mack. 2007.

Document XV" The Glasgow Letter”.

This letter was sent to Edward I by his Victorious Deputy Baron Henry De Percy after the taking of Glasgow in January 1298.

A well known "Rebel” Sir William Wallace was killed, his force destroyed, and his only major ally Lord John Murray returned to his highland home. The original has been lost, but a copy was found in the De Thomas Family papers in 1855.

It is Conjectured that as the slayer of Wallace, Sir Steven asked for a copy for himself as it was considered a legal base for any claim to a reward from the King. Sir Steven was able to found a dynasty, now the "Dukes of Northumbria."
To Edward, King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Aquitaine and Lord Paramount of Scotland.

From his Subject, Henry De Percy, Lord of Topcliffe, Commander of Southwest Scotland.

Your Highness,

I have the good news of the destruction of the Rebel forces against you Highness's rule in Scotland.

Even better news is the death of the major rebel leader, one Sir William Wallace, a Knight from the vicinity of Ayr.

This Wallace raised a force against his liege Lord, and tried to seduce others to his side. Most Scottish Lords stayed true to their oaths, but Robert Wishart, Archbishop of Glasgow, so forgot his priestly duties as to raise his hands against his rightful king.

Last year on the Holy Day of the Feast of The Assumption [August 15] near Lanark these unspeakable rebels defeated a Loyal Force under Lord Warrane, a true and trusted Servant of your Highness, as well as my own beloved kinsmen. The said Lord was killed and his head cut off and put on a stake and displayed over the main Gate of Glasgow. Not content with this, his body was thrown on a heap of other loyalists and left to rot.

Lord Douglas was unwise enough to join the Rebels. However the appearance of the large force I have the honour to command as well as the payment of Gold saw him remember his duty. Archbishop Wishart was leading a force against your Highness's Forces under Lord Percy trying to raise Rebellion against your just rule in the East Coast region of Scotland. This Unholy priest was defeated near Stirling and was captured. My Lord Percy, showing a true merciful disposition and a pious soul did not hang this traitor at once but sent him south to your Highness's Justice.

Several Scottish Lords sent various Contingents to show their Loyalty, and most useful they have been, if only in saving English lives. I retook and intended to winter in the town of Irvine. Moved by the Devils 'instigation Wallace and Murray were unwise enough to dare to attack my force on the first Sunday of Advent [30th November]. They were defeated and I followed up with another battle near St Johns’ Abbey a week later. Success breeds success and by the Grace of God the Rebels were routed and fled to Glasgow. In spite of the winter weather, we closely pressed this den of Rebels carefully surrounding it so none would escape. The Rebels fought desperately, not listening to the generous offers of mercy on behalf of your Highness we made known. For three days we fought intermittently, with heavy casualties among our Levies. Today, on the Feast of Saint Vitalis [January 11] we finally broke through. The rebels made a Stand in the Cathedral of Saint Mungo, their pagan natures even leading them to fight to the Death in the Holy House of God. Wallace was caught trying to flee the Cathedral Close by the retinue of Sir Steven De Thomas a Knight from Rothbury. Wallace had a two handed sword which he used to some effect. He was crying to the end "Liberty, Liberty." Sir Steven Slew him, taking good care to not mark his traitor face. The city has been given over to sack, and Wallace’s body has been tied to the Cross in the Market place for all to see. It seems that Lord Murray has escaped. However, Wallace was the Leader of this band of Rebels and it is hoped his death will bring an end to this unnatural and terrible rebellion.

I recommend Sir Steven De Thomas to your Highness's beneficence, as well as my Lord Percy.

I kiss your hands and remain your trusty well beloved servant.

Given under my hand and seal, in Glasgow Castle on the Feast of St Vitalis 1298 in the twenty fourth year of your Highness's reign."

The board is set

The moves are on

Focus on the job in hand

The forces are ready for the big move
Glasgow and the Wallace are under English pressure

Glasgow falls as does the Wallace

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